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Showing posts from February 19, 2017

Sting, Joe Sumner & The Last Bandoleros take on Austin

Sting finally came back to Austin. I hadn't seen him play since he took the show to Houston. He sang with his buddy Paul Simon. Even in the nose-bleed seats, it was an amazing show. I remember last minute I called a friend, begged to stay on her couch, and I drove three hours. Spent $40.  Completely worth it. This time, tickets weren't cheap. One ticket cost two days of teacher pay. And, a sitter on top of that. Too much. This meant going alone. So, I was thinking GA seats, but this meant plenty of room to stand, and of course, dance. The adventure of going alone started with navigating the city, parking meters, and the wonder of taking it all in--alone.  But, going solo wasn't so bad. The quiet walk alone opened up the story in another way.  I loved the sound of my boots on the pavement and watching the glow of the silhouetted stick figure lure me across the street. For a few blocks, the city felt like it was my escort.  The downtown Austin streets we