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Showing posts from April 19, 2015

That Texas City Shooting

It keeps coming up. And, I noticed when I mention it casually to friends or in passing, people raise their eyebrows. So, I figured maybe it was a bigger deal than I originally thought, and maybe I should write about it- -you know get it down on paper so that maybe I could forget about it…a little…more. It has been a while, but the outcome is still etched in my head and the images, I think, kind-of scarred me for some time. But, I didn't see that feeling at the time. Acting on adrenaline, I just kept going. You see, in Journalism school you hear that sometimes investigators refer to bodies as "fancy" furniture and you would also hear the mother's response, "my baby's not fancy furniture." But, it's a coping mechanism. And, journalists may talk about the "hamburger meat" flung all over the ground after a serious car accident. And after awhile, the tragic events become another news story assignment: you get the facts and you write th