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Showing posts from January 17, 2016

There's No Place like Briarcliff: A tribute

You live way-the-heck out here? I left the big city to come here- - a place drowning with deer and coons and noisy birds. For 35 years, I had lived in Houston, and this was my first move away from my beloved big-city home. I was terrified. And, I asked around to see if the city was going to follow me. They all say "it's coming" this way- -the city stuff is coming our way. . . just be patient.." Easier said than done. It took some time for my soul to get quiet enough to realize that hoof noises probably weren't unfriendly fire from nearby Narnia, new strangers could become family, and snakes weren't just going to hunt me down. When I first got here, 20-lb coons would dangle their toes down literally through the front porch. We cut down the sacred dying pines, despite what the tree hugger told us to do, and wiped away their wooden-hotel ladders. The LOUD boasting stars at night and island country living demanded adjustment.  It'