Tomar & the FCs Light up the Night

Tomar Williams
Tomar and the FCs were nothing short of fabulous Saturday night at Threadgill's World Headquarters.

Tomar, opening up the gig dressed to the nines, was all-in. Dancing like a rocket across the floor, he tore up the 90 degree Austin evening stage- -moving as if the floor was on fire.

Midway, he ditched his dazzling duds and glasses and showed some muscle.  Leading the pack with grooving moves, Tomar was as animated as Mick Jagger and as soulful as Otis- -The King of Soul himself.

The FCs grooved with the grip and grit of a Southern church choir. It was the kind of music that sticks with the soul- -nourishing and pow-fully surprising.  The lyrics were rich, and the music was laced with James Brown get-on-up-ness.

Between whirlwind moves, and the band's pow, Tomar connected with hand shakes and messages of hope. He said, "We all have those days . .  .  at work, with the boss . . ." He had audiences nodding and amen-ing. As he reached for us, we reached right back.

There was something else about his spirit too- -he carried an unbending faith in his song. While he was all-in, we were drawn in too. The music, the message, the groove, all in that moment, we were part of his story as he was a part of our's.

An inspired musician friend of mine described the performance, "He's hitting it!"

He was right. Tomar and the FCs nailed every note.

Tomar & the FCs light up Threadgill's
Tomar Williams-Vocals
David Earl-Organ
Mitch Fischels-Bass
Andy Tenberg-Guitar
Paul Kresowik-Drums
