Shawn Pander: Everything good about music

After hearing Shawn Pander on Sun Radio, I felt the tug to hear more. I was curious if seeing him live would be worth the drive. It was.

Pushed is the word that comes to mind. Every word is pow- -lyrically smooth, radiantly emotional.

Shawn wasn't much for stories between songs. But, the stories weaved inside were wildly willing.

His eyes under shade, I got the feeling he was pulling the words from a vault deep inside.

Shawn Pander

Around the middle of his set, he let go a little more. He bowed just slightly. It was more than physical.

Lacing lyrics with emotional serenade, Pander's words pushed details captured mostly in candid filmstrips.

Like the story in a bridal hemline dusted with dirt after the first dance, his lyrics exhaled subtle imprints not soon forgotten.

His reconstruction of a Nine Inch Nails song was a beautiful rich blast. Now, like an "animal," I want that song.

His lyrics were refreshingly relatable. He sang, "Smiling like a kid just out of school (What a Beautiful Life)."

He sang, "You deserve a much smoother ride . . . . .  every single star that it holds shines in the night. . . . every little piece of me, loves every little single thing about you" (Just to Be With You).

In a world where more and more musicians seem packaged, very few ring true. Shawn was not at all like these. He was, in fact, everything good about good music.

Every lyric. Every note. Every strum. I loved "Every little single thing."
