Jackie Venson: a woman in love with her guitar

Jackie Venson rocks Threadgill's
All smiles, Jackie Venson's giddy joy radiated across Threadgill's Friday night.

Venson's performance was a delightful power-packed engaging experience with inspired charisma.

Her music, with an almost-jazz-meets-blues feel, was laced with a rock-in-roll guitar engine.  And, Venson, clearly,  was charged on her own terms.

She said she tries to date, but then the men in her life get jealous.

She explained she spends a lot of time with her first love- -her guitar.

She smiled widely, looked up, and hugged her instrument even closer to her body.

Venson, 27, said she had a love for learning her craft and keeping the way clear for women.

Venson joyfully celebrated that things had changed. She said her grandmother, now 93, lived in a different world. Her grandmother, when she was young, had trouble finding a job because of "these things!" Venson laughed and pointed to her breasts and other lady parts.

Venson paused triumphantly, smiled and said, "But . . . Look at me now!!!" Then, she rocked the stage with a magical guitar melody.

Venson had a way of creating the kind of peaceful music melody that brought audiences together. She sang how we were all one; she said her troubles were our troubles. And, in troubled times we could all walk as one.

Rocking the stage, Venson grabbed our hearts, challenged us and faithfully kept our attention.
