Daisy O'Connor: a fresh breeze.

Daisy O'Connor's voice is a fresh breeze with cool creative layers of forgiveness, freedom, and a trust fall backwards into a just-right spring pool.

As honest as her lyrics, O'Connor set the stage by sharing about an unexpected twist in the road.

Her first performance since an auto accident, O'Connor talked about the concert she didn't make it to. Her car was totaled by a vehicle driving too fast in the rain. That evening, instead of performing, she was escorted to the ER.
Daisy with band at the Cactus Cafe

The day before the accident, she said she mailed off her CDs to her kickstarter supporters--all of the folks who helped make the album. And, she said it was an eerie feeling to think what if she hadn't made it through.

The twisted journey reminded her of the friends that offered up their homes, supported her music, drove her everywhere, and sheltered her as she healed.

Friends like William Wallace, singing by her side, who later left the stage chuckling that he would be "Driving Miss Daisy" home.

The songs on her new album, she said, were about chasing the light and finding that thing that keeps us moving. She said, as a photographer, it's always about light. She was looking for the light and that theme secured the album's roots.

She sang about the God box and how God's light is in everyone if we open up our eyes to look for it. She sang about Christmas cowboys and flannels in her debut Christmas song.

She sang about life's happy, life's bumps and the unraveling. She sang about being on the "F list" as a folk singer.
Daisy singing at Cactus Cafe

Of all of her songs, the tombstone song was my favorite. She sang about being buried beneath a tree so that her branches would grow tall. The song celebrated authentic friendship. 

Silly or serious, her lyrics were meditation personified- -that easy calm cool presence of the whispering ocean lullaby.

Her voice was the feeling of walking barefoot and not being afraid of the snakes in the grass.

Her performance was a true gluten-free organic non-GMO melody.
